Military power rankings top of the world

US administration [peace by force] retreat, Germany, the Middle East ...

Military power rankings top of the world US administration [peace by force] retreat, Germany, the Middle East new concept of involvement North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) defense ministers Council the day, it was closing. So far it is mighty military force Trump US government, which has launched the peace by force] to concessions the enemy in the background, but Esper US Secretary of Defense in the Council was forced to excuse over the US military withdrawal from northern Syria. Germany is seen as excessive US dependence risk, the launch of the unusual new initiative aimed to Syria stable, showed the policy to deepen the involvement Middle East. [To address the Syria problem is not that it does not optimize the US military (arrangement of)]. Esper said at an event at the think tank of the day, while also stressed that continue to participate in the destruction strategy of Syria extremist organization [Islamic State] (IS), it showed the idea to promote the US military withdrawal from northern Syria. Pointed out that [long-term maximum of threat is a China], the US military has been described to shift to China measures.

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